it feels so good to take time to help, if even just a little bit. eventhough i was essentially working on the same type of project and in the same space i normally do, the time taken away from pressing orders felt like time off. like the other side of life. sitting, stiching, appreciating an opportunity to help, my thoughts turned to all the ways i'd like to give back in my lifetime.
this year i've used the phrase "as soon as" far too often. august has been all about taking care of many things this phrase applies to. smocks for friends who've waited far too long, and far too patiently. finally cleaning off the deck after winter {yikes!} and planting a few things before the snow comes back. finishing up outstanding orders. replying to an email a long lost high school friend sent months ago. you get the idea.
for more than a year, when i think about helping others, giving my time, i have been saying "as soon as." for the longest time after my mother passed away i was exhausted from taken care of her in her last month, exhausted from loosing her, and so exhausted of giving. a new feeling for me, this took some time to accept.
what i realized while sitting and stiching pillows for the 1 in 10 auction was that i'm ready. i am ready to help again. isn't it amazing how long the heart can take to heal {but never completely}? even more amazing to me is that my heart reached out before my mind comprehended this new step. it is cliche, for good reason i suppose, but giving really is the best gift you can give yourself {most of the time}. it feels good to have this side of life back.
so good that "as soon as" second storie draws to a close {until november}, i'm going to get out there and help!
i hope you're smiling today,