well, nook's opening was a lot of fun! it was fulfilling to be finished pulling the store together, step back and smile, and then smile again as my friends arrived! i was so happy that most of them were able to make it. it was also an awesome feeling to merchandise the work of friends far away. awesome and strange. finding just the right spot for camilla's poketo wallets for instance, was surreal.
i've spent a most wonderful weekend resting, watching the olympics (the swimming last night provided some excellent surprises, didn't it?!), and now am so excited to dig into designing the calendar. such a wonderful monday, there's even a storm on the horizon. i love a good storm!
don't miss maria's gorgeous new work, just listed in her shop! she's got a wonderful little selection of work available, including a collaboration with the terribly talented lena corwin! when i saw collection no.3 i smiled in delight. it has to be my favorite so far! although i have so many...will be sad to see these beauties go away for good.
thanks for all the inspiration mav!
the calendar calls...
hugs all around,