Well, hello there!
It has been a whirlwind handful of days, the holidays are such a full and busy time! No matter how many years I say I want an easy, simple season the next time round I still end up down to the wire again! Thankfully, this time the wire is today, the 15th, as I type this to you at 3:09 am! And the peaceful, simple joys of the season are just a plane ride and twenty degrees warmer away! I am so looking forward to some down time with family, and to catching up on sleep, long silly games of scrabble and lots of cooking!
In a last little flurry of holiday cheer Betsy and I have listed some downloadable holiday goods in our shop! We are quite smitten with these little treats, the type of projects that are just right for simple holiday crafting with friends, or your wee ones. I had such a fun time putting these together with Betsy and I'm so excited that when I return home after Christmas my little attic studio will already be decorated for New Year! I guess I'm ahead of schedule after all!
I'll be popping in to say hello here and there while I'm away. I'm looking forward to sharing some thoughts on 2008 and some ideas for 2009 with you!
Till then, joy to you!