On one of our walks at dusk.
Quickly becoming my second favorite part of the day...the close to late hour after dinner when we're most spontaneous, a time when no one has to hurry off somewhere (most evenings), when Ollie gets his 7th wind and is thrilled at the chance to run free just one more time before sleep. A time when a glaring sunshine that makes the world feel raw and hot is replaced by shadows and crevices and quiet, and a little bit of mystery - enough to cause me to breath deeper and stop racing inside.
I see the hour between rush and sleep a little differently these days. As I've allowed myself to strip away the necessity of non-stop, I've been carving out this pause in the day and marking it as mine. I can see my general attitude start to shift as well. I forgot that I'm supposed to breathe into life, lean into it. On the bridge where we walk, where so many crushes have carved out proclamations and declarations, I might etch out one word. Dusk.
Happy fresh start, happy new week!