Hi, friends.
Feeling quiet this morning. I'm ticking off some to-do's and planning to take some time for a nice, long stretch then it's off to the opening day of the market to take more portraits! Hopefully I'll have a bit of time to shop for veg too, I can't wait to see what there is for the taking.
I've been wanting to return to my little watercolors. I want to paint some more braids-they've been occupying a fair bit of space in my imagination lately. Did I ever tell you that the original water colors I did this winter were accidently cut in half on the paper cutter? I think I might have been too heartbroken to mention it before. Maybe next week I can begin again. I found a nice little spot for a blanket by the creek on a new walk yesterday
This was hands down my favorite trail so far, and I dare say Ollie's too. He seemed to be bubbling over with happiness over the amount of shallow water available to explore. And also the endless supply of sticks for fetching. Mind you, when I say sticks I really mean three foot long branches. The bigger the better in his opinion. And trust me, all 19 pounds of him is equal to the task! I should get some video...It really is quite a funny sight. He's sleeping in this morning, still snuggled up in puppy dreamland.
Well, I'm off! Back to that to-do list...
Have a happy day,