I so enjoyed reading your comments on what makes you nostalgic yesterday, I'm happy you took a moment to share! Your thoughts will actually, in some way or another, wind their way into an upcoming project. So, if you haven't already shared something that makes you feel nostalgic, I'd love to hear from you!
Baking is one of those things for me. Breaking out the measuring cups never fails to bring up memories of baking in my grandmother's California kitchen as a girl. My grandmother actually had two kitchens and at the time I thought it was because she was such a serious cook! She always baked her meringue chocolate chip cookies in that kitchen. Later, I learned that the kitchen at the back of the house was meant for my great grandmother who had lived with my grandparents in her golden years. And later still I learned that the meringue cookies were actually made there because they needed to sit in a cooling oven for four hours.
It's not the time of year for meringue cookies, those will have to wait for the holidays, but I'm hoping to make something with my freshly harvested rhubarb this evening. I have so much to learn about rhubarb. Having never worked with it, it's such a mystery to me. For instance, I recently read that one should harvest the thinner stalks as they are less acidic than their thicker neighbors.
I'm off to the creek with Ollie, and then to the studio but I'll stop for mini breaks throughout the day to narrow in on just which recipe I'll choose (in addition to that rhubarb soda I've been dying to try!) to give a go tonight.