One of my favorite parts of summer this year: my intern Courtney. She has made work 100% more manageable since entering my life. I have a pretty unwieldy to-do list this season, but because of Courtney I can go to sleep at a reasonable hour, go for peaceful walks with Ollie at the creek, and make good food. You know, have a somewhat "normal" life. I don't know what I'm going to do when fall arrives...
I've had so much to share with you all lately, but haven't been making the time to take many pictures. I guess I've just been focusing on living, not the recording of it. Part of that has to do with the fact that C and I have been having some pretty major discussions lately. And there's really no way to whip out a camera in the middle of a good talk and snap a pic of a very photo shy guy.
But I'm back, eager to record all of summer's doings again, including that studio peek I promised!
Happy new week!