Well...here it is! Just a little peek at the result of the time Betsy and I spent together last month! We are both brimming over with excitement to show these to you! But we're going to wait just a tad longer as we pull together a few more bits of the collection for our shop. It feels a little early to be ushering in winter wares, and 2010 calendars, doesn't it? It isn't even fall yet. We have just been so giddy we couldn't help but share a little peek!
Speaking of fall, seeing as Hannah (a.k.a. Mayor of Summer) has declared me Mayor of Fall and I have appointed a Vice Mayor, it's only fitting that the Vice and I usher in the best season of all in grand style! We have a little something up our sleeves. We may not roll out our surprise on the official first day of fall which is eek! only a couple days away, but it will be soon. That's how we roll in our season, we go with the flow.
And, if you missed it over the weekend, I've launched a little end of summer sale in my shop! Be sure to read this weekend's post for a secret sentence which, if repeated at the appropriate moment could wind up making a little present land in your mailbox.
Happy week in which fall begins!!