Happy June to you! The month in which summer begins (here, in the northern hemisphere) has arrived! To mark the occasion my dear pal
Hannah and I have a new desktop calendar for you! Hannah and I have been wanting to work on a project together for so long, and it was great fun to finally get the chance.
There's a bit of a double meaning to this calendar as I couldn't quite get current events off my mind when I set to work - staring at this image of the sea that Hannah sent over - and I sort of like that. It's because the ocean holds such power, life and beauty that it is so cherished, and why it is so heartbreaking when it is wounded. I love the opening paragraphs of Moby Dick, in which Ishmael describes how drawn people are to the water's edge - like a magnet pulling us towards it's lapping waves. It's how I feel. And I think it's how Hannah feels, too.
There are several versions of this collaboration available. If you'd prefer the calendar without the whale, we've made that an option for you. And if you'd like to keep the image up beyond the month of June, we have it available for you without the calendar. You can find all versions here. You can find the link in my sidebar as well, under the FOR YOU heading. If you'd like the version you see above, just click it for the actual size and drag it to your desktop. We hope you love our little June gift to you!
I'm so excited about this new month, I've got a few fun things to share with you that are in the works! This week I'll have some bits to share, as well as throughout the month. I hope you have some fun things planned, too!
Here's a little something to celebrate: June Is Bustin' Out All Over
Cheers! S