A cheerful friday to you!
Life is busy as a hive of bees lately, I've lots of projects on the go for the spring decal and stationery lines right now. I hate to say it, but I think I'll most likely be pushing off the launch date just a little bit...there are a few little odds and ends to wrap up and I just don't see where I'll eek out enough sunny daylight here in gray, gray Rochester to shoot all of the decal designs in time for the 14th.
I won't be too far off the mark though, I think. I'll keep you posted. Be sure to sign up for my mailing list (don't worry, I send precious few mailing list emails throughout the year and all involve something fun!) for an early preview. For now, I thought I'd leave you with a little peek at some of the stationery set to launch later in May. Hooray! Wishing you and yours a happy, sunny weekend full of good things.
xo, S