+ Lots of long walks with O, soaking up the warm sun. Those walks are easing us both out of hibernation. Ollie, who can sleep and snuggle for record winning stretches during the colder months, can now suddenly not keep still. It's equal parts adorable and maddening. I want to bottle his energy!
+ Orders, orders, and more orders going out far and wide. I wish I could hand deliver to some of the latest spots: Japan, New Zealand, Hong Kong! So grateful for my stockists, they really are the best.
+ Plans are coming together for the launch of some spring things I've got a little photo shoot planned for later in the week and plan to list the new designs sometime early next week. Can't wait!
+ Feeling a bit overwhelmed by all I want to make happen in the next year or so, but equally inspired to see it through. I'm craving a total overhaul and a more purposeful sense of focus with my work and in parts of my life. This has been both terrifying and exhilarating. It's reassuring to know that often when something is scary, chances are it's right. Don't you think? Lots of things are brewing over here.
+ I've been giving some thought to where this old blog fits in the scheme of things. It's harder and harder to find time for posts, particularly long, thoughtful ones. I have come to love this space and the good friends I've made because of it, but this feels like the right time to figure out a better fit for sharing bits of life here and there. I'm eager for a shake up of sorts. What better time than Spring?
I hope you're well and smiling.
Till soon,