hello everyone! welcome to my new digs. it's bare bones around here today, still moving in. but boy, does it feel great to be here! i've been looking forward to this day. i needed a place i'd be happy to come home to, so to speak...
last year was full of huge changes for me, some rough, and some wonderful...but, with all that life brought my way last year two trees just started to feel too heavy. i've learned so much about myself this winter. i've realized i want this space to be about creative growth and process, community and collaboration. i need to check the heavy stuff at the door.
i've also learned that it is terribly impossible to be a once a day kind of posting girl. it's just not me. i need to be in the studio, and outside...living life! but i also need structure, and discipline, and change. the marriage of both aspects is where my new shop comes in! i'll be celebrating the beauty of daily life, centering on a theme, every month! with each new month and theme a new set of designs will be in the shop! a select few designs will remain in the shop throughout spring/summer 2007, but most will only be here for the month! i'm fantastically excited about this!
this month's theme is May} to market! i wanted to celebrate how great it feels to finally be outside in the warm sunshine. the warm feeling of going to the public market, the joy of shopping in the open air, supporting local growers, and doing our part to take care of our home..big H and little h.
i've also got a new website {still moving in there too!}, most of the spring 2007 photos are up. a few more will make there way to the site in the next day or so, i'll move into the other rooms of my website this week as well. you'll notice that there {and here} i've decided to pack up two trees as a warm begining. it's time to just be me.
i'll be posting at this little h once a week, mondays or tuesdays. i've got so much more to share with you in the coming weeks, including some more exciting news next monday! want a hint? i'll leave you with a question. what does one do if they want to bring all the beauty and inspiration of this great big craftwonderland local? until next week...
warm hugs,